Five Directors to Be Elected at Annual Meeting

At our Annual Meeting, Members have the opportunity to re-elect or elect Directors to serve on the Golden Growers Board.  Current directors eligible for re-election are:  Nick Pyle of Casselton, ND in the Northwest District; Matt Hasbargen of Breckenridge, MN in the Northeast District; Brett Johnson of Mooreton, ND in the Southwest District; Byron Koehl of Hancock, MN in the Southeast District; and David Benedict in the East Central District.

Any member in good standing is eligible to be nominated for the Board in the district where their membership is registered.  If you are interested in serving on the Board and want to be listed on the ballot for your District, you must file a petition with signatures of at least 10 members from your District no later than five days in advance of the annual meeting.  Candidates may be nominated from the floor, but their names will not appear on the ballot.  If you want more information about district elections, visit the Golden Growers Elections Webpage or contact:

Scott Stofferahn: 701-281-0468 or