Important Member Survey Coming in July!

Please watch your mail for an important member survey and make a commitment to promptly complete and return it. This msurvey is an integral part of the Board’s strategic planning process designed to protect and improve your investment in Golden Growers Cooperative.

This CONFIDENTIAL SURVEY was designed to be fairly simple, yet provide the kind of information that will be useful as we think about the future. We will be asking you to:

  • Update member information;
  • Provide your thoughts on investing;
  • Relay corn delivery information, and; and
  • Share your interest in alternative and niche markets.

For the past three years, your Board has been deeply involved in a strategic planning process focused on protecting and improving your investment in Golden Growers Cooperative and the ProGold corn milling plant.

As part of that planning process, Golden Growers engaged in a marketing research project funded with contributions from the ND Corn Utilization Council, the ND Agricultural Products Utilization Commission, and USDA’s Rural Development Agency. Research has focused on trends of the corn sweetener market, emerging products that could use corn starch or sweeteners as a feedstock, and market niches that could benefit our members and the region.

Your timely response to the survey is the most important thing you can do to guide your Cooperative.

This is the first time, Golden Growers members have been surveyed in twenty two years.

When survey responses are received, we will begin tabulating and evaluating them. We plan to share those results with you.