Five Directors will be Elected/Re-Elected at March 24th Annual Meeting

At our Annual Meeting, Members have the opportunity to re-elect and elect Directors to serve on the GGC Board of Directors. Current directors up for re-election for 3-year terms are: Brett Johnson, Mooreton, ND (C District) and Matthew Hasbargen, Breckenridge, MN (At-Large Director).

Directors David Benedict (N District); Byron Koehl (At-Large Director); and Nicolas Pyle (C District) will reach their term limit. We offer our sincere appreciation to David, Byron and Nick for their wisdom and dedication to our cooperative. Due to Bylaw changes approved in 2019, their director positions will be filled as follows: 2-Year Term, North District; 1-Year Term, Central District; and 1-Year Term, At-Large Director.

If you are interested in serving on the Board and want to be listed on the ballot for your District, you must file a petition with signatures of at least 10 members from your District no later than March 1st so ballots can be timely printed and mailed. Candidates may be nominated from the floor, but their names will not appear on the ballot. For more information, visit or contact Scott Stofferahn, 701-281-0468 or