Golden Growers Cooperative’s Board of Directors

Golden Growers Cooperative’s (GGC) Board is comprised of 9 members.  At each Annual Meeting, One Director will be elected as an At-Large Director and one Director will be elected from two of GGC’s three member districts. Directors serve three-year terms, and may serve a maximum of four, full, three-year terms. Directors’ terms expire on the day of the third annual meeting following their elections.

Immediately following each annual meeting, the Board holds a reorganization meeting. At this meeting, the directors elect a Chairperson, First and Second Vice Chairpersons, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These five Board officers comprise the co-op’s Executive Committee.  Three members of the Executive Committee are appointed to the ProGold, LLC, Board of Governors.

For more information on directors’ responsibilities, obligations and elections, please refer to the Bylaws of Golden Growers Cooperative.

The current Board of Directors:

Blane Benedict  North  701-2238-2626  2022  2027
 Richard Bot  South  507-829-6382  2017  2026
Mark Harless  At-Large 701-271-9254  2011  2027
Matt Hasbargen, Secretary  At-Large 701-261-6374  2013  2025
Brett Johnson, Chair  Central 701-274-8909  2013  2025
Brady Koehl At-Large  320-392-5486  2022  2026
David Kragnes, 2nd Vice Chair North  701-371-9379  2023  2025
Nicolas Pyle, 1st Vice Chair  Central  701-347-4421  2023  2026
Larry Vipond, Treasurer  South 320-677-2535  2015  2027