At the GGC Annual meeting, members overwhelmingly approved bylaw changes to reduce the number of directors from 15 to 9 (through attrition) and the number of districts from 5 to three. Members also re-elected: David Benedict, Matthew Hasbargen, Nicolas Pyle, Byron Koehl, and Brett Johnson.
At their reorganization meeting, the Board re-elected the following Board members to serve on the Executive Committee:
Chair of the Board – Mark Harless; 1st Vice Chair – Nicolas Pyle; 2nd Vice Chair – Shaun Beauclair; Secretary – Matthew Hasbargen; and Treasurer – Les Nesvig.
The Board also approved a resolution to define the three district boundaries and appoint Directors to each district and as At-Large Directors.
Below is a map of newly defined GGC districts, a description of each district, and the Directors appointed.
Districts are now defined as follow:
North District – includes all counties in North Dakota except Cass, Dickey, LaMoure, Ransom, Richland, and Sargent AND the counties of Clay, Becker, Wadena, Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin, and Carleton and all counties North in Minnesota.
Central District – includes the counties of Cass and Richland in North Dakota and the county of Wilkin in Minnesota.
South District – includes the counties in North Dakota not included in the North and Central Districts; the counties in Minnesota not included in the North or Central Districts; AND all counties in South Dakota. The South District will also include all members who live outside of the states of ND, SD and MN.
Director Appointments
Serving the North District: Shaun Beauclair, Glenn Johnson, David Benedict and Mark Harless; Serving the Central District: Chris Johnson; Butch Jirak; Nicolas Pyle, and Brett Johnson. Serving the South District: Bruce Speich, Leslie Nesvig, Larry Vipond and Richard Bot. Serving At-Large: Byron Koehl, Matthew Hasbargen, and Scott Jetvig.