Harless and Bot Re-Elected, Retiring Board Members Honored

Golden Growers members re-elected Mark Harless (North District) and Richard Bot (South District) at the 2020 Annual Meeting.

Upon re-election, Rick Bot thanked members for their support over the past three years. “Serving on the board has been a great experience. I’ve been able to learn more about international trade, the many products made from corn, and how the corn milling industry has changed in my lifetime.”

Pursuant to bylaw changes approved in 2019, the total number of Board members is now twelve. After the 2021 annual meeting, the Board will be reduced to nine members.

Three directors retired from the Board after twelve years of dedicated service on the Board. All three were elected at a transitional time for the cooperative. ProGold had just executed a new lease with Cargill, the debt was paid off, distributions to members were occurring, GGC converted to a MN 308B Cooperative, and SEC reporting had begun.

Most recently, Glenn Johnson served on the Finance & Audit Committee; Chris Johnson Chaired the Personnel & Compensation Committee; and Shaun Beauclair Chaired the Strategic Planning Committee and served on the Executive Committee.

“We will miss Glenn Chris and Shaun for their valuable and dedicated service to our cooperative,” stated Harless.