Scott Jetvig, At-Large Director, will not seek reelection

Scott Jetvig of Hawley, MN has announced that he will not seek reelection to the Golden Growers Board of Directors. Jetvig was first elected in March of 2014 as a director from the NE District. After bylaw changes that reduced the Board to 9 members, Jetvig was selected to serve as an At-Large member.

Jetvig is a valued member of the Board who serves on the Executive Committee as 2nd Vice Chair, Finance & Audit Committee, and the Personnel & Compensation Committee. We thank Scott for his service.

Three Director Positions will be Elected/Re-Elected in conjunction with the March 21st Annual Meeting
Along with the notice of Annual Meeting, members have the opportunity to re-elect and elect Directors to serve on the GGC Board of Directors. Directors MUST be nominated by petition and all votes will be by mail.

Current directors up for re-election for 3-year terms are: Blane Benedict, Sabin, MN (North District) and Larry Vipond, Herman, MN (South District). Scott Jetvig, Hawley, MN (At-Large Director) has decided not to seek re-election, therefore, a three-year term At-Large Director position is an open seat on the Board.

Any member in good standing is eligible to be nominated. Candidates for a District director position, must be from that district. Candidates for an At-Large director position may be from any district. If interested, you must file a petition with signatures of at least 10 members from your district for District Directors positions or 10 members from any district for the At-Large Director position no later than February 19th as required by our bylaws. For more information, visit or contact Scott Stofferahn, 701-281-0468 or